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Can dental implants prevent bone loss?

As we age our bodies begin to deteriorate—in ways we never thought of. Bone loss is just one of the many things aging individuals struggle with. But like many ailments suffered by men and women today, there are ways to combat bone loss. One of which is dental implantation.

In order to maintain form and density, bones need stimulation. Astronauts lose bone mass when they are in space because their bones lack the stimulation that results from resistance to gravity. Like astronauts in space, the bone in our jaw is continually reinforced by the force applied by our teeth (through chewing). As we age, deterioration can lead to tooth loss, and that tooth loss, if left untreated, can lead to more bone loss in the jaw. But implants can help.

Throughout life, our teeth transmit force to the surrounding bone in the jaw, so when a tooth is lost, the lack of stimulation results in bone loss or "reabsorption". Dental implants are inserted into the jawbone as a replacement for missing teeth. Then dental prosthetic restorations, such as crowns, bridge-work, or dentures are attached to the implant, giving the patient the look and function of a naturally growing tooth. The implant acts like the root of a tooth—so as patients chew, the implant transmits force to the jaw and stimulates the bone.

Implants are fantastic for maintaining bone mass because it is as if they "trick" the bone into thinking there is still a tooth present. By transmitting the natural forces of chewing to the jaw, implants maintain, and in some cases increase bone density. Dental implants are effective in maintain oral health in elderly patients because they have been proven not only to stop bone loss, but in some cases to reverse bone loss and restore the health of the jaw.

If you have concerns about bone loss and dental implantation, consult with your dentist today. An implant consultation will help to determine the quality and quantity of bone present in the jaw, and will evaluate overall oral health—factors that will help to determine which type of dental implant will be best for your individual needs.